التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


عرض المشاركات من ديسمبر, 2013

Life weapon’s dictatorship - By: Mamoun ElTilib

Life weapon’s dictatorship By: Mamoun ElTilib Translated By: Ibrahim Jaffar Introductions: ( Tayfara was a military slave of the Cavalry Divisions (the Divisions of Knights) which was relegated to the Sheiks-ministers of Hamaj .   He presumably has been enslaved during one of the sieges of Rajab to the Nuba Mountains within the course of his campaign against Kordofan, for he reached the age of reason in the era of Nasser wad Idris .   Imaginatively, we would correlate Tayfara’s memories of childhood with those of Dogalo Doguendan Ari ; a Nuba boy of the next generation who, like Tayfara, has been, as a young boy, enslaved and taken from his native land.   Dogalo , as a young man in his far-off exile, has vividly lived the memory of his homeland that has been sustained within his soul as a minute world of landscapes, distant and diminutive shapes; young kings wearing jewels and straddling horsebacks; steppes of azure color of bubbly plant...